Monday, April 12, 2010

Wanted: more fingers for the dike!

Calls for action are coming in. Decent weather seems to cause those on both sides of animal rights issues to start moving. First, things are happening in Ewing, where dissention over the animal shelter continues.

Cats seem to be the animals most in jeopardy. One activist says the sequence goes like this: threats are made that a number of cats/kittens will be euthanized; everyone who cares and can scurries around and tries to find home for them; things settle down again – until the next threat.

Tonight at 6:30 pm at Town Hall the Resolution for TNR (trap – neuter – release) is up for discussion for the “agenda meeting” on Tuesday. Then tomorrow night at 7 pm, council will vote on the subject.

Reportedly, the problem includes one other wrinkle: even though some cats at large in Ewing have one ear tipped – signaling they’ve been through TNR – the animal control officer catches them anyway, keeping them from returning to their colonies.
The call is out for people to turn up at the two meetings in Ewing.


“To enhance Newtown’s status and preserve its historical character,” Newtown PA will offer free horse-drawn wagon rides on the first Saturday of every month from noon-7 pm. Two or three horses will pull wagons over the town’s narrow, congested and hilly streets.

The route is described as “long and dangerous” by Brandon Gittelman, who’s leading the drive to protest this plan and stop it before it can become an established “attraction.” Be in touch w/ him for details about whom to phone or write to:

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