This is the story -- and it's some tale -- about a cat who swam more than a mile from New Jersey to Governors Island, NY. And lived. And was cleaned of all the saltiness and seaweed she reportedly was encrusted with.
And now there's a contest to name this aquatic cat, who will probably become the mascot of Governors Island and a major tourist attraction. (Can't you see the stuffed animal-cats now?)
Cats do swim, according to references on the subject. But they usually don't choose to swim. Typically, there's no need for them to swim and they're fastidious creatures. The one cat who seems to swim for pleasure is the Turkish Van.
However, our New Jersey to New York swimmer is a Calico cat -- white, black and orange. Supposedly, NJ's torrential rains swept her into the river and then NY bay to the northern tip of Governors Island, where she was found by workers.
Do you believe it?
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